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A member registered Oct 31, 2017 · View creator page →

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Hi, wildroseinteractive, my name is Dillatont. I made music for your Desert Bus for Hope Game Jam Game (Towing Manager) in November of 2022. I have a request. I am hoping to make a visual demo reel of my music. May I use footage from your game in my demo reel? If so, it would be appreciated. Cheers!

Hi, wildroseinteractive, my name is Dillatont. I made music for your Desert Bus for Hope Game Jam Game (Towing Manager) in November of 2022. I have a request. I am hoping to make a visual demo reel of my music. May I use footage from your game in my demo reel? If so, it would be appreciated. Cheers!

Thank you! It was a fun and productive week!

Thank you!

Thank you!

wildroseinteractive, this is Dillatont. I made music for your Desert Bus for Hope Game Jam Game last November. I have a request. I am hoping to make a visual demo reel of my music. May I use footage from your game in my demo reel? If so, it would be appreciated. Cheers!

wildroseinteractive, this is Dillatont. I made music for your Desert Bus for Hope Game Jam Game last November. I have a request. I am hoping to make a visual demo reel of my music. May I use footage from your game in my demo reel? If so, it would be appreciated. Cheers!

kainenable, this is Dillatont. I made music for your Desert Bus for Hope Game Jam Game last November. I have a request. I am hoping to make a visual demo reel of my music. May I use footage from your game in my demo reel? If so, it would be appreciated. Cheers!

kainenable, this is Dillatont. I made music for your Desert Bus for Hope Game Jam Game last November. I have a request. I am hoping to make a visual demo reel of my music. May I use footage from your game in my demo reel? If so, it would be appreciated. Cheers!

JJJJ Studios, this is Dillatont. I made music for your Desert Bus for Hope Game Jam Game last November. I have a request. I am hoping to make a visual demo reel of my music. May I use footage from your game in my demo reel? If so, it would be appreciated. Cheers!

JJJJ Studios, this is Dillatont. I made music for your Desert Bus for Hope Game Jam Game last November. I have a request. I am hoping to make a visual demo reel of my music. May I use footage from your game in my demo reel? If so, it would be appreciated. Cheers!

Big The Dave, this is Dillatont. I made music for your Desert Bus for Hope Game Jam Game last November. I have a request. I am hoping to make a visual demo reel of my music. May I use footage from your game in my demo reel? If so, it would be appreciated. Cheers!

Big The Dave, this is Dillatont. I made music for your Desert Bus for Hope Game Jam Game last November. I have a request. I am hoping to make a visual demo reel of my music. May I use footage from your game in my demo reel? If so, it would be appreciated. Cheers!

Glad you enjoyed the music! Good luck with your game!

Link to my music!

Finished up my songs for the week with a silly little bit of bumper audio. Enjoy!  

Here is the final version in .wav and .mp3 formats. I saw your video posted over in Discord, and I am really excited to hear the full version of this in your game!

Big The Dave, I wanted to give you an update. I am making good progress on your boss theme, but it is getting.....ambitious, and coming out at around 2 min. 5 seconds in length.  I am going to give you an unfinished placeholder track by tomorrow morning, but the full track is going to come in late evening (EST) tomorrow night.

I may also give you a shortened version in case that fits what you are doing better. 

You are quite welcome! As for credits...if you could credit me as VGMesque, rather than Dillatont, it would be appreciated, as that is the name I use for my music. 

I did not have a request for Day 5 today, so I worked up a track that I had started earlier in the week and finished it today. If you would like to make use of it, feel free!

(1 edit)

Big The Dave, I would be glad to do so! I have not yet been asked for a boss theme this week, so I think this will be a good creative exercise. I will get to work later today and I will aim to get it to you by Friday...boss themes tend to take me a little bit longer to pull off.

Also, thank you for YouTube links....that makes things much easier for me!

wildroseinteractive, here is your music, in both MP3 and WAV format. If you need the file in .ogg format, please let me know, and I can also do that. Good luck with your game!

Glad you like! I am also glad to hear that the music is inspiring gameplay!

As for credits...if you could credit me as VGMesque, rather than Dillatont, it would be appreciated, as that is the name I use for my music. 

If you are looking to link.... or are the socials I use for my music.



Sure thing! I can definitely do something relaxing and styled after elevator music. I will start work on that later today, with the goal of getting it to you soon!

(1 edit)

Hey all,

I have more open slots! If you would like original music for your game, please let me know and I will get on it!

If you have already received music and would like a 2nd song, feel free to make a request!

DeltaShop Studios, here is your music, in both MP3 and WAV format. If you need the file in .ogg format, please let me know, and I can also do that. Good luck with your game!

(2 edits)

kainenable, here is your music, in both MP3 and WAV format. If you need the file in .ogg format, please let me know, and I can also do that. Good luck with your game!

Looks great! I have been working on a theme this evening, and I incidentally think that it works REALLY well with the images, so I am looking to seeing how it sounds when I do the final mix tomorrow!

Thank you! I felt happy with how it turned out!

Sure thing! Try this out instead

DeltaShop Studios,

I would like to get your opinion. I have put together a quick demo of what I am considering for your track. I am not certain that I have achieved the style you are looking for. What do you think ?

So, it is a combination of things. I do my initial notation in Finale, which is a traditional music notation software that I learned how to use when I was studying music composition in college. For your track, I used a VST called NES VST to get the 8 bit sounds, and I basically have figured that out by playing around with it. Then I balance and finish in Audacity, which I also have figured out by playing around with it.

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kainenable, do you have any additional information for your idea at this point ? I can make a town theme if that is still your preference. If you have anything to add to it or a different thought, let me know!

JJJJ Studios, here is your music, in MP3 format. If you need the file in .wav format or .ogg format, please let me know, and I can also do that. Good luck with your game!

(1 edit)

I should be able to direct message it to you here. If not,  we will work out a way to get it to you via email. As for other games...if you make a game and do not sell it, you of course would have permission to use this music. If you  sell your game commercially, you would not have permission unless we  work out a reasonable financial solution.

Sure thing. I will take a look at those examples and try to get something to you by the middle of the run!

DeltaShop Studios,

Certainly no cost, as I do not think that is in the spirit of a game jam. I am offering up my time to the community so that we can all make neat games! I can definitely put you on my list and work on some menu music. Can you clarify what you mean when you are saying in march...are you referring to the musical style, or something else?

JJJJ Studios, I believe I can do that.  I will add you to my list and try to get that done in the front half of the run. Cheers!

(1 edit)

Hi, kainenable. I will put you on my list! When you get the prompt and have a better idea of your story and what specifically you are looking for, let me know, and I will get to it within the first few days of the run.

I really enjoy the Octapath soundtrack, so it will be a lot of fun to work in that style.

(11 edits)

Hi all, 

This is my 4th time doing this Game Jam (and first since 2019). I would like to offer my services composing music for this game jam. If you would like original music for your game, please post here on this message board. I will be taking requests from the first 7 people to respond, and I will complete one per day until the end of the run. 

My songs will generally be 60 to 90 seconds in length, and they will be designed to loop. That is about as much as I can reasonably write and mix in a day.

If you would like to see what my music sounds like, check out my YouTube here and my Soundcloud here.

What I need from you

Describe, in as much detail as you can.....

*The general purpose/function of your song request* Do you want a title screen? A gameplay loop? A triumphant victory fanfare? Let me know what you want the song to do.

*General musical style and details* What do you want it to sound like? If you have a particular style, tempo, mood, or set of instruments in mind, please let me know.

Currently Claimed Spots (Order subject to change)

 JJJJ Studios COMPLETE 11.13.22

Entering the Overworld


kainenable COMPLETE 11.14.22

Stay a While


 DeltaShop Studios COMPLETE 11.15.22

Make Your Selection! 


 wildroseinteractive COMPLETE 11.16.22

Muzak Break


No Jammer COMPLETE 11.17.22 

Upbeat Song That Could Be Used a Lot of Way


BigTheDave COMPLETE 11.18.22 



Silly little audio for everyone! COMPLETE 11.18.22

DBFHGJ22 Bumper


Standard disclaimer* As the composer, I retain all rights to usage of the music, including future distribution and sales. I do sell music packs on online game asset marketplaces, and I like to reserve the right to use any song I compose in such a manner in the future.

Instruments Used* I can do a variety of styles well, but I do not have a lot of good sound templates for electric guitars. I am willing to try...I am just warning you that this is not my strong suit. Piano is my main instrument and my compositional specialty, but do not feel as though you need to request something with piano in it.

About Me

I go by Dillatont here at Desert Bus and Loading Ready Run, and VGMesque in certain other parts of the internet. I have been a crafter for Desert Bus for the last 6 years (Here is my entry this year), and I have previously submitted games to this Game Jam on three different occasions. (See herehere, and here for more).