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A member registered May 11, 2018 · View creator page →

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Alright, so you want to have a good economy to sustain your ants, so try to make about 2-3 worker ants at the start, then start building a couple warrior ants (5-6) to defeat the red ant guards defending most food piles. Don't make too many warrior ants since they will eventually eat all food and then your queen dies. It is okay to send ants into their death to keep the upkeep low. Finally the game is designed in such a way that you can choose between various strategies (mass workers with upgrades, mass scouts with the range upgrade or some workers/warriors or a mix). Mass workers goes a long way but is eventually really difficult to pull off versus the beetle with splash damage. Mass warriors will lead to a queen death eventually unless you keep raiding food piles a lot. Mass scouts is really good but you need to get to a critical mass which requires some micromanagement.

In order to beat the waves you need to study the enemies closely, each enemy has a specific way of defeating it (I won't spoil how the enemies work, you have to find this out yourself ;)

Thanks for the comment! If you need any pointers on how to beat it, let me know ;)

Nice visual shader!

Some feedback for the gameplay:

- Right now, there is no synergy between the sonar ability and the jumping, so in essence it is a platformer. I suggest to make the scan have influence on the platforms you can stand on, so that you have to time it right, make it more so that the scanning is important rather than the jumping.

- The headbob does not add anything to the experience right now.

- I got lost at some point in the level, maybe help the player a little by showing where you have to go

The game looks super realistic, nicely done.

Some feedback on the gameplay:

- The goal of the game is not clear

- Give some feedback to the player when you do something right or wrong (for example when you throw something at the mother).

- Add a NavmeshAgent to the mother to let her walk around, to make it a bit more of a challenge

- Set the near clipping plane of the camera to a lower value (not zero)

- Add the controls in the UI or beginning of the game

- The challenge of the game is a bit lacking, maybe add some more obstacles and turn it into an infinite runner.

- Maybe turn an ice block into a speed boost when you hit it with fire

- Make the gameplay faster (maybe the player auto-moves and it is more about choosing between jumping or firing)

Nice little game! A small tweaks:

- Add the controls in the main menu, including the scores per object

- Make the tongue a bit faster (especially for higher difficulties)

- The function of the time in the left upper corner is unclear (it goes up and stops at 10?)

Nice art and easter egg ;) 

Very atmospheric game! Things that were a bit confusing:

- The goal of the game, maybe add a hint for the player at the beginning that you want to recreate the crime scene in the photos

- Maybe add some feedback (Audio or visual or both) when an object is in the right position and also whether the player is in the right position/orientation (mabye increase the triggers slightly so that it is easier)

- In the current build it is not possible to rotate an object, either give the player feedback by letting the object snap in place when it is in the correct spot, or parent the object to the player so that it rotates with the player so you can place it more accurately

Otherwise, nice visuals and audio.

Goed gebruik gemaakt van de assets, de wereld voelt als een interessante plek om doorheen te lopen. De gameplay blijft nog wel wat achter, je moet nu boeken verzamelen maar het is niet duidelijk waarom je dit doet of wie je bent. Aan het eind van het spel schiet je de killer neer, maar deze doet (nog) niks terug. Het is op dit moment onduidelijk wat er is gebeurd en de main mechanic is nu vooral een shooter? Ik raad aan om op zoek te gaan naar een mechanic die wat meer focused op het mysterie in plaats van het schieten, of maak meer enemies die je kunt schieten tijdens het zoeken zodat het daadwerkelijk als shooter kan worden ervaren. 

Thanks for the comment! You can deselect a single unit with Shift + click, but it is a bit off if you want to just use the mouse. If you click a single unit it is selected, but if you click the same type of unit within 0.5 seconds it selects all units of that type.

The race itself seems a bit random (with horses going backwards?), It would be nice to have to find a balance between racing and scoring points. Right now the feedback for your score is missing, also showing the score of the other racers might add some value to the score. Maybe also add a highscore system.

Clear goal and fun interaction, the later levels do get a bit repititive, maybe add different shapes or another way to interact with the blocks. You could also add different characteristics to different colored blocks.

Fun game! Sometimes it is difficult to find the next banana, maybe give an indication of where to go?

Once all the people in the street are pushed over, the game quickly loses its strength, maybe reset the people over time or let them get up and come after you.

If you don't like buttons, don't play this game.

It feels a bit too trial and error-like, maybe give the player a way to discover the 'correct' button

The walls of the level are a bit unclear which makes it hard to see corners (maybe give an indication of where the exit is). It would be cool to add different platforms (like a double jump or superjump platform)

Really cool environments! It kind of feels like it has all the elements for a puzzle game, but it kind of lacks puzzles, maybe add a goal to the game or a way to make the exploring a bit more challenging.

Cool concept, I really like the fact that you create your own enemies/demise. Maybe give a slight hint of where to go (like a general indicator). Sometimes a situation exists where you can't pass a passage because there is a light orb  bouncing up and down without getting hit. Maybe try to make it so you can kill an orb with another orb?

The atmosphere is really nice! I am not really sure what the goal of the game is though, maybe focus a bit more on adding interaction (perhaps an enemy or dark presence?)

Not sure how the theme fits yet. Also the cards don't seem to do anything yet. Try to focus on a small challenge/mechanic first and add complexity later.

Cool effects! Try to add a goal to the game and also make the goal and controls clear to the player. What kind of gameplay can you make with these effects? A switch between worlds perhaps, or finding something in one world which you need in the other?

Very nice concept! Feedback for the timer would be nice, or change the color of being inactive opposed to being active. A level with multiple solution paths could be interesting as well. Or even a pickup to get a little bit of extra time by "freezing" the one second.

Thanks man! Really cool you liked it :D