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A member registered Sep 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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Very fun and chaotic game, there was a small bug with the snowball though, i put it low on the map and it wasnt moving because it was stuck in the wall, a ball hit it and it started moving but it was already too late and i lost my final round against an enemy ball that has 6 health. If the snowball worked then i probably would of won. Still very fun game nonetheless!

5/5 definitely took a couple of tries to beat not gonna lie lol

such an incredibly fun experience, I love everything about it! the art, the gameplay, the sounds! I just couldn't stop playing! I really do hope the developers keep working on this, so far I've only reach floor 7 so I don't know if there are any bosses in the game or not. If not then I'd LOVE it if they'd add in one. 5/5

Ooooooo cant wait to see what people make!

(1 edit)

7/10, only reason its not a ten out of ten is because of a few small things

.make camera scroll ahead a little earlier (you dont have a lot of time to react to enemies)

.make the animation for the attack only play once. 

easy way to do this is by adding a variable when the character is created called "cooldown" and making it equal 0. then when the character attacks you can check to see if "cooldown = 0" and after the player attacks you can make cooldown = 1 and then set an alarm (if your game runs at 60 frames id say put the alarm to 60 or 90) then when the alarm is over make it set the cooldown variable back to 0.

that will basically make it so your only able to attack after a second of cooldown and will make it so the animation cant play till the cooldown is back to 0

Also i started following you, it can be difficult to program games and gain a following, i myself have only just started, so i wanted to follow you and see what you work on next


Check out Shaun Spalding's platforming series on youtube, its pretty long but teaches you basically EVERYTHING you need to know on a beginners level :)