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Diego Ras

A member registered Oct 01, 2018 · View creator page →

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Hi Horatio_svetlana!
That's a great feedback, thank you so much.
I will check all these references you pointed and see what I could do to improve the game.
Thanks for playing and share with your friends to support the game, if it's possible.
My best wishes.

Hi dude!
I believe I fixed that bug of get stuck after the ground pound on an enemy.
If you have some time, please test it, and if the problem occurs again, please let me know!
My best wishes.
Thank you

Hi DynoreX_03! Thank you so much for the feedback!
I will check it for sure! Hope you had enjoyed the game even so.
My best wishes.

Olá Edmar, muito obrigado pelo seu feedback. Muito interessante sua colocação. Você teria sugestões de como poderia ficar melhor os controles no teclado? Ficaria grato em poder melhorar isso.
Um grande abraço.