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Devin Sherry

A member registered Sep 12, 2018 · View creator page →

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Hey :) Thank you for taking the time to play and provide a bunch of feedback! All of the points made are very valid. For the growth spurts, it does cost more water usage, and alternatively, slowing down costs less. I really like the ideas for the need of a difficulty curve and even a countdown timer. Also good point about audio mix variety for sound effects. 

Thank you for taking the time to play 🙂I had planned to try to figure out some form of difficulty scaling over time but I ran out of time. I'll take challenge and difficulty into consideration in the future and prioritize it appropriately. Thank you for the feedback!

Thank you for taking the time to play it 😀 it was on my roadmap to work on additional power ups that would change the way you played and controlled the vine but my time ran out. Difficulty progression is great feedback that I'll keep in mind for future jams!