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A member registered Jun 07, 2020

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This is super cool!! It's super impressive how many different variants and options there are for the planets, and the different outcomes each of them have based on your actions. I think it's a great idea, and it has a lot of potential in terms of expansion or other games you could create with this same idea.

This was super super cool!! Really engaging, and made me super invested in learning about what went wrong and what I could do about. I went through the sections in the order they were listed, and doing that really added to the sense of discovery as I got to see more and more. I also really do like how, no matter what you do, the outcome doesn't change. I think it exemplifies the point on the 'end' screen that this was something that had been slowly building up for years, and sometimes there's nothing you can do to fix those situations.

This seems really cool, but unfortunately none of the page links from the passage where the voice asks you your name are working for me!

This is really cool and original!! As I was going, the character I made became more and more solid, and I actually started feeling attached to them by the end even though I picked mostly randomly at the start! The choices you have players make work really well in actually having people start to create the characters in their minds, and start developing who this person may be. I think the stuff with the acronyms at the end is cool, but definitely a bit over my head- the part with the archetypes and their percentages was a lot easier for me to understand.