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Detyan/Dtyn8 - (Ewen)

A member registered Mar 21, 2019 · View creator page →

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Great! Will do :)

This is neat! Especially a fan of the anomalies; they feel new and interesting while also faithful to the original story.

Thanks so much. First time doing ASCII too; took me a while to get the hang of it! 

Haha I can only imagine!

Haha - I keep a pet snail with my partner; and we use the critters to clean the enclosure! I suspect that is why... 

But if I find any strange entomomantic scrolls or curses about the place I'll be sure to forward them on to you!!

Love this; brilliantly sinister tone for such an otherwise innocent concept!

Great stuff! I love the idea of a manticore legal scholar keeping a permanent collection of lawyers around for fun and games.

"Stuck upside down" is a great mien for this. Nice one; will definitely give my wizard NPCs one of these in tow now.

The concept of this thing slowly besting you at being, well, yourself is hilariously dark and I really like that!

Love the description of size here; very Troikan and yet easy to visualise. Nice one!

Amazing! I like that a lot. I'm from northern England and just remembered the tradition of Bluecaps here; a type of coal mining kobold who would push the wagons about with great strength and get paid for it. I could swear there were legends of floating lights in the mines here too, but can't find anything on that beyond will o' wisps.

Neat way of representing a swarm using Initiative, nice one! Like the idea of players being tasked with harvesting these into a berry pie without being told quite how sentient they are...

Great creature!! Love the plantlike nature, general ecological danger, and interaction with player inventory slots.

This was a neat read; brilliant miens; and "whose eyes burn like starlight" is a lovely phrase.

Amazing as always!! "Skybairns are the kiddos that have come to play in the sandbox of its cosmic dust" is such a great phrase - and the mein chart is brilliant too,

I adore the idea of the party demonologist summoning one of these and everyone just rolling with it. Great stuff!

The idea of an adventure wherein players shrink and travel through temporal rat tunnels is great!

The idea of civil service cargo cults, potentially feasting on lost hikers, is brilliant! I need to add some parks into my game now...

Thank you so much! I've been really tempted to do that; maybe adding a few extra tables too... I find my favourite table moments tend to happen from improvisation so wanted to lean into that.

Think I've seen this fella before, but never fails to make me smile! The snout is perfect!

Ah, lovely! Glad to hear they made it across the Atlantic okay!!

This one gives impeccable folklore vibes. Reminds me especially of the knockers of Cornwall and Wales! I think running this at the table, and knocking to spook the players, would be great fun.

Perhaps the best cat mien table I've ever seen!

Brilliant creature; I especially love the concept that a whole industry can form based on weird ancient magical laws - great stuff.

This is great!! Flaccid, floppy nails are a terrifying image - and the infectious aspect gives me the shivers. Will definitely throw one of these into my next game!

Love the hat determining mien; such a neat shorthand for several possible miens. 

Also love the "hat snatch" ability; I will definitely be using that against any wizards in the player party...

This is neat! Especially like the flames being described as "beacon crests". 

I also love the idea of an invisible creature feeding on its own reflection, and thus needing a mask to do so!

Neat creature! I love the phrase "swathed in onion-like layers of shadow" and the tactic of using light to weaken it. Nice one!

This is great! Love the convergent evolution from dragon to crab, and the phrase "regimented into eye-bleedingly unlikely shapes" is fantastic too. Great stuff!

Love the special; that's very neat! Also love the description; perfectly restrained and infinitely curious.

Hello! I think the text file you've entered is empty? Liked the entry on the page though!

"Screeching like a modem" is such an amazing mien; can really hear that viscerally! Can't wait to run this!!

Amazing creature! As someone who seems to generate a woodlouse infestation wherever I go, I thoroughly approve of these critters.

Great concept! Also love the mein being influenced by the genre shown, and the idea of the GM using .gifs or describing film scenes to communicate.

This will definitely be used in my next session!

Oooh... The idea of being press-ganged by a Silt Earl into squiredom would make a great opener or one-shot. Fantastic stuff; the right balance of weird and creepy I think!

Having "Officious" and "Noisily Officious" in the mein table is a nice touch! 

I was already considering sending my players to a sphere of origami creatures, but now perhaps the Sphere of Munimentus calls instead... The image of thousands of these things floating about is too cool to not run. Great creature!

Adore this! The items given are great, and the special ability would be a hoot at the table. This is definitely going into my background rotation for games!

Lovely stuff!! Could make a great background too. Love the term "heirophage", brilliant and very Troikan!

Love this! Metallic leaves hypnotising people is such strong imagery!

Oh wow, that looks great! Thanks for sharing!