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A member registered Apr 18, 2017

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Hey I'm loving the game so far and i don't know if this is just me but the hordes come to quickly. So i think it would be a great thing if they had a longer timer cause when I'm trying to explore or gather materials i can never get much cause i always have to go back for the hordes. Sometimes they will destroy a few walls and break one of my towers and then i go to get the materials to remake them i remake them and the next horde will come along and destroy the stuff again. I think it would be awesome if the hordes timers were longer or even better yet we could have a different game mode with no hordes or maybe just much longer timers to build better bases or explore more of the city. I don't know much about programming and making or changing games and i don't know if this is really hard and i don't know if this is just me and a few of my friends but i think this would be a great improvement to the game. Also another suggestion i have. I think that it would be great if we could have different levels of difficulty. Maybe easy difficulty can have zombies with lower health and longer time till hordes come and you don't use the material's when you die and normal can be like it is know and hard might have the zombies with more health and three melee hits to kill with your base character. Maybe there could also be a impossible or very difficult mode that could be if you die then you restart everything. Another suggestion that could happen is maybe there could be a mode where you are a zombie. Maybe you could do this if you can get online multiplayer and then have zombies and players fighting and as you being a zombie you can be some sort of boss and this might be impossible but its just a suggestion. I would also love if we could have more maps. I think that this probably wont happen for a long time but in the future if we could have more maps that would be great or maybe we could have a bigger map with a few different people on as a multiplayer and you can have alliances and fight each other like a pvp aspect of the game.

I know I'm asking a lot but this are just suggestions that i think would make the game much better. I really like the game and hope that it can keep getting better and better.