will it cost more on steam or will it cost the same? thats my question because if it costs more on steam then would there be any difference? cause i dont wanna pay more money for the game even though there is no difference, and no i didnt buy it yet but im asking cause if it is different on steam then i will wait the 9 days and buy it but if it isnt different and it cost more then i will probably just buy this one.
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bro if VR mode is added it would be so much fun to try and play bro i will literally even pay probably double to play it on Virtual Reality like bro imagine grabbing like a real gun and plus there could be so many easter eggs also but unfortunately it will probably take a long time to do since VR would probably have over 100 more bugs in the game so, but still, that idea is really awesome! and the multiplayer mode would also be cool so i can also play with me friends!