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A member registered Sep 30, 2018 · View creator page →

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You can get high playing this game :) The music and visuals are really top level! I have a lot of motivation now to learn about shaders, thank you ;)

The acrade and dinner were more or less clear, but the work day was something beyond my skills to manage anything.

Additional kudos for the song 😎

I liked mixing the potions, the UI is incredible! The game is beautiful also but I was lacking some description and directions. At the end, reached the world edge and fell off. Didn't have enough ingredients to make a levitation potion :(

I believe this game has a huge potential!

Yes, when shortened, you are not supposed to be able to jump over the obstacles, however you should still be able to get out of the room. Be aware that some lasers are intentionally misleading.

I had 2 fps, but i liked it, feels like quaked wolfenstein :)


I hope Z has nothing to do with the russian invasion..

This game is hard! But the cats are cute!

That looks really good! I was looking for something like this!

Very beautiful! Thanks

uploaded here

(1 edit)

oops, big gifs are not supported here

looks cool! even got myself a volcano!