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A member registered Sep 04, 2019

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How much we know about Serena? Because I don't remember any clue that mention any trait of her (apart from she left her home and fuck with wolfs). Mayble the werewolves' main quest hasn't started and we've only seen a prelude.

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Hello again! It's been a while since the last time I said something here 🤔😂

Well, it will be a brief comment, because I am speechless. Great dialogues, perfect pictures and the same things everyone here says to you and your team. My list of who's the best hasn't changed since last time, Bernard and Korg are fighting for first place, while Hayden is T-posing in third 😂
I know Logan has already had his moment to shine in the werewolf quest, but I would like more content for him in the future.

Nothing more to say, incredible job as always and expecting more 😉

And we love that option ❤️

Go to Tavern -> Unlock the Mine -> Go to Forge -> Buy a Pickaxe -> -> Go to Mine -> Pick 1 Diablosite -> Talk to Blacksmith -> Do the quest of Blacksmith (Get 15 Diablosite) -> Get all the Diablosite you want :D

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Her first toy was Korg, and for me he is like a big baby (with MUSCLES xD). And Her new toy, at least for now, has no portrait but the description is all I need to fantasize about xD

And yes, it was very difficult to choose at first because Bernie is ... Bernie xD BUT as with Logan... when it said "Logan loves you more" ..., that blinded me and I feel sorry for Bernie, but Logan ... WHY WE HAVE TO CHOOSE, HYAO?

I hope this will has a happy ending, where we are all happy and Bernie doesn't hate us, please

Hyao, I hate you

WHY DO YOU MAKE ME CHOOSE?! I want to save both 😭

What route do you consider more "canon"? Because after playing it, I think it should be Normal!Logan's route. (Poor Bernie 😭)

You catch my interest with the "new toy" of Vicoria, a shame I stole it xD

Can't wait for the 0.18 (yeah, 1 day after the update and I'm already thinking on the next update 😂) Incredible as always! 

Load a save before you encourage Logan to go to the bandit camp. There is no other way, because in a Bottom!Logan route you can't choose to save him.

Sorry, wrong location, it is the Wolves Den not the Cottage

Maybe is because you dont have the stable, the event with them require you to built it

Yes, there is a chance to find him in the cottage (And if you save Bernard, Logan will be there). But you must wait some days to find them (1 week I think), and with Bernand the chance to appear is so low (at least for me)

And you have all our gratitude doing all these amazing job, it was only a suggest ;)

The "eye option" crashes always, before and after go to the map as you recommend when open the game. But its so weird to only crash in the forest, the rest of the images in the game work perfecttly.

Not-deadly poison, yeah... xD

Yeeeeey, we have an update!

This time, the only thing I knew from the update was the change in the UI, so all the stuff with main story and conversations were a surprise.

Omg, why do you create such a incredible characters?! Korg is so perfect(let me ride the orc please xD), and Bernie is so cute. Roushk and Rhot are awesome, and that scene with Logan (normal one, I mean) was so deep. I love this game so much!

But Hyao, why you say to Bernie and Logan that we are not going to kill any werewolf during the quest "Rumor about the beasts", and the first thing we learn is a werewolf POISON? xDD

I dont know if is only in my save, but the "eye option" during the Bernie scene at the hut make the game crash, only there. The rest of the game works perfectly, and in others places too, but at the hut doesnt let me see Bernie :(

And just for finish, could you add some scene to MC with similar attitude as fucking with Arion? I mean, be the bottom but have the control? x3

Try the other option, which is asking to the witch and finishing her quest. If you have any question check the guide of the game

LD - Guide

How many lure you use per battle? You should use at least 5 to catch them and have space in the stable, and give one raptor to the witch first

First you need a source of light, so you must complete a quest (there are two options, one is in the lizard's temple and the other is from the witch) whatever you chose, will give you something to equip yourself and then you can go to the cave 😉

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Hello there!

It's been a while since my last comment here :P

The Love Potion Scene of Barrel was a surprise, I didn't expect that (And was a very good surprise xD) The other things in the update were revealed or predictible so, in general, was a good update

The other day I was thinking: In the map, the brown part it's supose to be water no? maybe a future "enemy" could be pirates or something related to the sea? 

Thanks for everything Hyao!

Sorry, I need to say it or i will explote, BRING BACK TANK! (as a romance interest too) xD

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Sorry, I needed to do it xD and sorry for the typo 🤦🏻‍♂️

Don't worry, you can fight with any type of bandit as you wish when you complete the bandits camp quest

Can you catch Roushk? You are in 0.15 right? If I could caught him(corrupted or not), another christmas wish become true xD

I tried and... nothing. did you need low sanity or something?

Any help? xD

I have read that you must jack off with it, but it doesnt work. I have try at home and in Bareshade, and nothing happend.

The scene with the drunkard is random, and you need to be submisseve (bottom) and I think you can unlock it more easily if you have high bitch fame.

Logan is Logan, so he dont have a "bad" side xD. If you mean normal and corrupted Logan, you must discouraged or encouraged him to go to the bandit camp respectively.

First unlock the quest "Rats!" from the Bartender at the Tavern, next take the other quest from him (i dont remember the name) and now you can access the mine. Explore the mine and find 1 piece of diablosite and show it to the Blacksmith. Buy a pickaxe and now you can have all Diablosite you want :D (there is also a quest from Blacksmith to unlock the Diablosite equipment, you must bring him 15 Diablosites, I think xD)

For the raptor quest... You need to take the quest from the witch at the swamp. I dont know if it need other requirement...

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Hello there,

In the previous update we meet Vicoria and when we finish her in a fight, we had an option to "please her". Did you delete this option? Because I don't see it anywhere.

Also, I assume that quick recent update to 0.14.2 from 0.14.1 is because the chibi orcs's gifts?

And could you please tell us any hint to get the "secret scene" you mention in the log? I think is related with the Krampus Statuette, but I can't use it with me or with anyone, so... any ideas?

I don't care if you dont call it a date, Bernard spends most of the time kissing us during the breaks xD

By the way, best pre-christmas present ever, Thank you Santa Hyao!

Yeah, the last time I played was a week ago, so my numbers could be bad... But I didn't expect that bad, sorry xD

And thanks for the info

I approve the ideas, all of them x)

Btw, where did you farm so much exp.? I'm lvl 32 and my exp. farm is the Troll of the brigde (he give 1000 exp if you win and 500-700 exp if submit, not exacts numbers x) )

It's time to make a wish list:
The first thing is Korg, the new boy. In this update we met him and I must admit that I fell in love with how silly and why he is. I hope that he will tell us more about the new side quest of the orcs (I assume that is the new side quest :P) and most important, I hope we can have a beautiful scene with him sharing a bed, like Bernard's but with a happy ending?, please?

Secondly, Logan, there are a couple of things that I did not understand. First is that in his new mission, we visit the forrest twice and on the second visit he get injured. Why is he capable to do the workout "mission" with us? Its weird, but doesn't matter, just saying. The other thing with Logan is that I wish that when we finally have the "like" bar high enough and we start a "relation" with him, I would like to see him taking the first step, and if we want to start the relation with us, we must acept his proposual, or something like that. Logan is brave and brute, so I think that if Logan take the first step fits him better.

And the last thing, Zoroj, I don't know if you will read this, but I hate and love you at the same time. Why you make so beautiful charaters?! When I started the game the last year, it's only have regular bandits, Bernard, and a few more characters. Now I love almost everyone (I'm sorry, but I don't like Harold's face, his personality yes, but his face...), you are doing such a wonderful job, and I hope the next characters will be even better.

Hyao, you are doing great as always, the main story, the side missions ... I like all aspects of the game. Thanks for creating this game full of lust.

And this Christmas, will we have a Christmas event? A nice scene in front of the fireplace, next to [insert npc name] would be the closest thing to "Christmas", right?

Don't do that

Don't give me hope

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It would be a temporary loss, of course, like save them in a chest or something, or leave them at home.

But I so thankfull that you read it :D (and maybe consider it ;) )

It's time to express my wishes to future updates (no 0.13, but future)

First of all, please, poor Benard need more love. 

Secondly, I know it is asking too much, but... more Hayden please, he just is the perfect, and he is fighting first place of my ranking with Feliar, both are too cute and lovely. And of course, more Feliar too, please :D

Finally, do you know when in a game, we are captured or something and we lose all of our things and stay in a new location for a couple of days? I think it will feet very well in this game, like for example, propose to  the merchant travel with him and his guards, and maybe know Gunnar better (and maybe sleep in the same bed, who knows). Or we propose to Barrel or any bandit in the camp live with them at the camp for a week (as their toy or whatever you wanna call it), and we can know Barrel better, at the same time. Just saying :)

Diablosite my friend, Diablosite 😂

Thank you for the Logan and Barrel Scenes, and Hayden Fantasies too

In update log you say that there is a game over with the Raptor , and in the comments I read that it is a Sanity end, but how do I get lower my sanity if the Raptor only attacks me?

I get an error while studing the reptile's lure recipe, and i don't know how to create a Swamp mash 

Last thing, weeks ago I ask how to bottom bartender, and the replies said that I need to be bottom, but I am and Bartender doesn´t care, he insist in be the bottom. Any help?

How can i bottom the bartender?

Thanks! They finally returned after a couple of weeks repeating the quest you mentioned

I'm sorry if my english sucks, but i must do it. This game is just perfect, thank you so much!!

And now, can anyone please explain me the morale mechanics with the bandits? Because I dont know why they disappeared from the tavern, so I went to the camp to "relief" them, but it doensn't do nothing, they don't come back to the tavern and they are attacking on the track again.