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A member registered Jun 24, 2020

Recent community posts

im having hard time with the code for the Chest

Thank You Ryen

Renryuu: Ascension community · Created a new topic BGM

What is the BGM name for Country Overview?

Sakura first version with second version clothes would looks good and let loose hair

Where is Save File Location for Android

ok thanks :D

go on adventurers with Palasha and i don't know where to go on this

i know this is out of the question asked but will Tiena and Frozen Queen joins like Naevy or the other did??

Steam Update when??

is this will ever got updated?? i really liked this gam

the downloaded versio

15 is Max

how is this game save file works when it said as string i copy and paste it when new thing have unlocked but it just close the menu and nothing happened

at Blue Box on that Big Farm

use Box of Ash

aight thanks :D

no, i finished her Quest which is summoning Blade but i didn't see her afterwar

i got Flora CG the Quest is done but i can't find Aiyana

is Save Data for Android and PC are different??

you can construct it on Overview Map

Thanks Ryen :D

Ryen how to get Jessy and Ailluin Scene? i alread yhave some of the Vanguard but i can't get Jessy and Ailuin, i done the Quest for Jessy's New Dress and stuck there

Renryuu: Ascension community · Created a new topic Parties

Ryen the other members like Naevy,Kurohime and the other will join again as party in the future??

love the game very much <3 <3 <3

is there any Walkthrough for this game?

Very Love the Game for sure if this game already ended, hoping for the Season 2 XD

aight Commander :3

is this Game stopped being updated??

Still waiting for the Next Update :D

it doesn't have Ending so there's a Chance it got Part 2??

is this Game Complete or still getting Updates??