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A member registered Feb 20, 2024

Recent community posts

It took me awhile, but I have finally found my problem.  I was not aware that the 'Face' image needed to be tied to the 'Body' image in the Face category, so I only had 1 body image index in the body folder.  When the plugin was trying to open the scene, i have a total of 7 face images in the head folder but the body folder only contained 1 body image so face index 1 was throwing the error because there was no body index 1.  After everything else I've looked at a tried comparing my setup to your folder structure and file naming, in the end just adding 6 more body indexes for face, walk, and battler eliminated the error.

Thanks for everything, I look forward to getting my ideas with this plugin up and running!

 - Dejil

first off, sorry about posting the reply instead of a new thread.  I was looking for a solution and found my exact error here without a description of the fix.  I really do appreciate the quick reply from you.

I guess I have been looking too hard in the wrong place because I didn't realize you had a sample project that I could check out the setting with.  I will give that a download and compare as soon as I can.  Thank you for that resource by the way. 

If I find my problem, I'll let you know and post here what it was exactly some anyone else in the future can find the information should they need it.  And if I can't solve it that way, I'll post the console error so you can look at it.

Once again thank you very much and I am looking forward to getting g this working in my project.

- Dejil

I am getting this same error: Cannot read property 'hue' of undefined.  For the life of me I have not been able to figure out what is missing or how to fix this, any help would be well appreciated.
