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A member registered Oct 18, 2021 · View creator page →

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Playtester: Deja Howze

I played the game 4 times and it took me about 30 minutes total just because I let the game keep running just to see if I could spot any bugs. 

The first thing I immediately enjoyed was how you constructed a whole arm just to be able to squash the bugs. That was very creative on your part and I found it to be more immersive. The second thing I enjoyed was the overall design. It's sweet and simple as well as the design for the bugs you created are cute.

 One suggestion I would make is that maybe make more different types of bugs you have to squash since there is only one type it could spice up the game a bit. Another suggestion would be to maybe make the bugs run at different speeds and make them spawn in different areas on the screen since it is easy to just spam that same spot. 

Some bugs I experienced during gameplay were there are no boundaries so because of this I am able to go wherever I want and sort of lose my hand in the process as well as the bugs being able to go anywhere. From what I can tell the bugs are not despawning which can cause performance issues. 

Playtester: Deja Howze

I have played through the game 5 times, around 3 minutes long for each. One thing I liked about the game is how they had the option to randomize where the pins are placed instead of it just being the same every time, it added a fun element to the game. Another thing I think worked well was the option to change the camera position. It was something I did not expect and is a great feature that could encourage people to make highlights of the game. 

One suggestion I think would improve the game is maybe having different bowling balls spawn out of their hand instead of always having the same one, it would be a little surprising. Another suggestion I would make is having the bowling pins have a bit more physics. I notice when I knock a pin down and it hits another bowling pin there's a chance it won’t fall down when it should. 

Two major issues that I spotted were during class when the teacher was playtesting. The first was the ball just kind of went all over the place for him, I am unsure of how he was able to make that happen but it is a bug. The second thing was when one of the pins accidentally went back up and upside down when it should have still stayed down. Personally though no issues occurred while I was playtesting.

I played this game about 5 times and in total it took me 20 minutes.

Firstly, I really like the concept of your game and even though the game looks simple you can tell it's really fleshed out already by your idea. Secondly, I like the waves' textures because they look pretty cool. 

One suggestion I would make is maybe you can make the waves move up and down as well just to help us become more immersed in the game. Another suggestion would be to make the controls a little more boat like. Boats don't usually go to a stop that easily. 

The first bug I experienced was some of the waves actually didn’t kill me so I kind of just went inside them. Another thing that isn’t a bug but I was disappointed when there was no island at the end like I was promised ):