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A member registered Jun 05, 2021

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(1 edit)

hi! how does the "Wine in a Time of War" mission work? is there a way to check progress, because although I thought I had donated 3000 bottles already, I still failed the mission? or does some message pop up once I have donated all the bottles I need?

edit: welp, after completing other missions, it seems that I simply calculated wrong and thus did not get the popup.

but now I have another gripe - how come the higher Prestige critics keep altering their hints for every crop? it's impossible to hit that perfect mark if the critics, for example, rate my Chardonnay at 4.5 stars regardless if it's 6 or 7 Sweetness. neither of them seem correct, because at 6 they suggest it's too low, yet 7 is too high?

This is on the PC. I did try restarting, but ran into the exact same problem.

No problem! It was right when the boat ride finished - in the big room with the door and the braziers all around. Nothing progressed for me at that point, the room just remained dark and no dialogue happened.

It appears that drawing the Page of Swords still causes the crash (for me at least). I appreciate the efforts nonetheless! Good game.

I tend to run into a bug in the demo - I cannot proceed from the main room of the Kabaret even though the Caretaker should start dialogue there.

Hopefully it'll be fixed by the full release! I'm liking as little as I saw already.