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A member registered Sep 09, 2018 · View creator page →

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Perhaps my question sounds like this: is it possible to assign a unique ID to an entry manually?

(1 edit)

Hello, my game has authentication, and I send the score using a unique identifier (the username provided during authentication). But it tells me that such a name is already used. But it's used by me! UpdateEntryUsername gives the same error (name is taken).

So instead of updating my entry, it tells me the name is taken. But this name was created by me just a minute ago, and now I can't update the record in the table.

Can I update an existing entry using the username?

Hello, I want to buy the paid version and I have a few questions:

1. Will additional actions be needed with the project? for example, update the SDK or something else.

2. Will I need to create a new leaderboard or will I simply update the status of my leaderboard by key?