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A member registered Dec 31, 2022 · View creator page →

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No problem

Finally got to finish your game. I loved the little "jumpscare" at the end. I found the puzzles hard at first but once you got going and figured out the controls they were very fun. Brilliant game.

Ok will do, and I'll give another update as well.

Thank you! I tried out your game and I loved it. I sadly ran out of time and couldn't flesh out the game. I then realized that you could update your game during the jam which I would've done sooner but now I believe it's a bit too late because I'm in school.

Oh crap. I didn't know that. At least I know now. Guess I gotta read the rules. Can you make any change to your project while the jam is still on.

Your welcome. It was a brilliant game and I'd love to see it fleshed out.

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Hello. You commented on my game so I decided to try out yours. Its really fund but I found a bug where I you went to the main menu and started the game again the timer would be duplicated. If you do this the game also gets a bit choppy but I do think this is very fun. Those are just minor bugs after all. The buttons hit box was fairly dodgy as well.

Thanks. I just didn't have time to build it. What did you thin

(1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback! I sadly didn't have time to polish the game so I kinda had to cobble the sprites together in a rush. It was my first game jam and my first "complete" game. I really enjoyed it but I also really wish I had more time to add sound and a proper menu. Even more game mechanics. The only thing I got time to polish was the swinging. Happy you enjoyed what little game there was there. I'll try out your game tomorrow when I have time.