Then you are in than, all you need to do is to put pc at the back of your name.every clan here is to stop N1 clan from taking over the narrow verse so welcome
I can play,do you want to join my clan Pc,pro clan,i am the spokesperson,and Fearless winner is the leader,Deathstalker is the deputy,they are all players in narrow one.we also have alliance with DC dragon clan
Do you have fearless my friend,you. Look strong why don’t you join my clan,Pro Clan,we have a alliance With Dragon clan,i am the cap,Fearless winner is the leader,Deathstalker is the deputy
Do you guys like hackers,I don’t.i played with a hacker that can shooot sooooooooomany arrows at the same time!it ended up they win,but i got 994 points sooooo….