My major problem with this game is that it's an rpg game that doesn't let you heal by sleeping... Like literally every other rpg game allows... Including other pornographic rpg games...
Recent community posts
Don't know if you are aware or not, but the link to the discord in the settings page is not the link you want to have for it. You have it as a link to a specific channel of the discord when you need to have a never expiring invitation link if you want people to be able to join it through the link in game.
Hot Milk-Achieved
Niagara Boy-Achieved
Panty Party-Achieved
Give a Hand-Achieved
White Coffee-Achieved
French Kiss-Achieved
Stark Naked-Achieved
Zero Waste-Achieved
The World Upside Down-Achieved
Word Master-Achieved
Right on Time-Achieved
Waiting Surprise-Achieved
Useful Fool-Achieved
?-What is it? Not Achieved
?-What is it? Not Achieved
?-What is it? Not Achieved
Number 55-What is it? Not Achieved
Maximum Effort-What is it? Not Achieved
How do I even achieve these things??? I wanna get all the achievements, but I don't know how ;-;