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A member registered Jun 29, 2022 · View creator page →

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(1 edit) someone who struggles with mental health...Shit...

Wow, just wow.

This is...a really good game, with great portrayal...I sort of, just. Feel shocked. 

Pressing Z was so difficult and it was only Day 2, and I think that sort of shows that its so easy to give in to those thoughts so soon. How hard it is on some days as opposed to others. Days where you literally can't go on. My arm actually ached trying to pet the cat, but its a simple task, but thats the whole point. Simple tasks. Opening your eyes in the morning, even deciding to try to get help. I really am shocked at this, but I love it.

Its really...real, and thats what I appreciate.
(edit: I found it really difficult to type the words but thats because it was stressing me out because...I wanted to be okay and...I feel like its about how difficult it is to think positively when people just say "Cheer Up" or "It can't be that hard, just do something you love."
Doing things you love are so so so difficult, because you don't love doing anything anymore. It all becomes boring and so...mundane. Sleeping is the only nice thing because its the only respite you get from the weight of those thoughts.)

My highest score was 106, which I'm pretty happy with. I love the design of this!! Really well made and good graphics.