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A member registered Jan 17, 2023

Recent community posts

Mr Hernandez is the best character.

Dude I used to watch you all the time, was even subbed for a while. You got some serious skill with this my dude.

I fucking DIED as the damn dance number with HanZi. Damn near passed out laughing. It was just fucking perfect.

Wait... is this is same V7 that streams on Twitch?

Not only is it funny, but the animation is really really good.

Fuck man, this is VERY good stuff. Lewd scene with jade was incredible while at the same time the emotional scene with Galka was *chef's kiss*. You're doing awesome work here and I'm really looking forward to what is coming down the pipeline.

I need more shortstack.

Loving this so much. The story is genuinely good and fun to read and I found myself really caring about the characters and what happened to them.

Yeah this is worth playing. I'm enjoying the hell out of it.