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A member registered Apr 10, 2023

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(1 edit)

I am not the host, but a committee member of the society. The host unfortunately has been having some health issues which is why I am announcing the theme.

If you haven't joined the discord server yet, you can join it via UniCS Discord

Hello everyone! Thank you for your patience and understanding while we were trying to get things sorted. We are very happy to announce the theme for this years GameJam :-) 

Theme: "Lost in Translation" 

Description: Create a game that explores the challenges of communication across language barriers. The player must navigate a world where they can't understand what anyone is saying and must find a way to overcome the language barrier to progress. 

Be as creative as you like! There is no restriction to your creative freedom. We look forward to seeing what you all come up with :D In the meantime if you have any questions feel free to let us know! We will try to get back to you as soon as possible!