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David Filipe

A member registered Mar 27, 2017 · View creator page →

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A Mac version would be awesome!

Thank you for trying it out :D 

I'm glad you enjoyed it 😊

Awesome, glad you liked it :D 

It’s normal, I’m  still working on adding an introduction. Try to grab your eyes 👀

Thank you! Soon I'll had some puzzles with this concept so stay tuned :D 

Thank you George :D 

Thank you :D 

Thank you for playing! 

In fact it is just in a prototype phase, with a lot of stuff missing but we are glad you liked it so far :D 

(1 edit)

Hi! This solves that problem for most of the apps and games. Hope it helps :D

Totally in love with the NukeOS UI!

Totally need to start presenting gifts to my friends this way ahahah

Loving the atmosphere <3 

Awesome idea! On the MAC build the "player" doesn’t follow the cursor.

Super cool concept! Loved the way that levels were designed to be completed right on the nick of time :D