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A member registered Sep 08, 2017

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Autonauts community · Created a new topic Game Suggestions

It seems to me that the goal of this game is shaping up to be a model for self-sustained community where all human needs are fulfilled by robots/are automated. With this in mind:

- adding "specialized" workbenches (or modifying  existing ones) that would have multiple inputs and outputs (i.e. just like the existing  arrow squares), AND would have the ability to add a robot into them.  The addition of a robot (that wouldn't have to be recharged)  into the workbench would automate the production. For example when connecting a plank storage and a pole storage to a "specialized" workbench would automatically pull necessary materials from the attached storage and create a product.  This product could then be automatically transferred to an attached output storage. Essentially, one would be able to create automated mini factories, or even automated assembly lines (adding multiple "specialized" workbenches together would automatically create poles from logs).

- adding recharging stations - these could be one square structures (maybe with a with turbine on top) that could be used by the robots that are used for recharging other robots. Basically the "recharging" robot would be stationed at the recharging station. After detecting a dead robot, the "recharging" robot would go recharge the dead robot and then return back to the station where it would be topped up. This way, the "recharging" robot would never actually need recharging itself, thus further automating the game.

- have the ability to move/create resource squares - instead of starting with a map where all the resources are set at a specific location, you could just have a plain grass land.  The player would then have to go and create a square for planting trees,  unearth  squares to create metal deposit,... You could have the player just start with some basic resources (like a few tree seeds, cereal seeds, ... kinda like some of the minecraft survival scenarios). When starting the player would first actually have to create a hoe and use it to create a tree square.  After the first tree grows, the player creates a crude axe to chop the tree down which gives him a log, which can then be chopped into planks, and so on.  Then after creating a basic workbench, the player would then have the ability to create a shovel, which when used on grass would have a chance to uncover metal deposits. This way the player could create his /her own custom world.