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A member registered Aug 29, 2018 · View creator page →

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Same as the alpha test, I love the character expressions and I love how they react to the choices you make. I don't have much else to say other than, if you can, could you make more choices? I feel that would help make the game better to exploit other than finding the perfect choices to satisfy the frogs and that's it. Anyways you're doing great, keep up the good work.

The character animation is cute. Unlike what some people said, I actually like the 3D objects while playing as a 2D character, I feel that this makes it unique. I do wish you still had the grapple move, I understand that it's  difficult to make it work properly, but I'm sure that it will work just as well as a basic attack, you could even make the game a bit more challenging by giving Grapple Cat an end lag after an attack leaving them vulnerable for a short time to recoil their grappler, making the player have to time their attacks. Keep up the good work.

Your main goal of creating this comforting vibe I feel has been accomplished, everything about this is wonderful and relaxing from the music to the background. The most satisfying moment of gameplay would be choosing multiple correct responses in a row causing the frogs to get more happy with you and seeing their cute facial expressions. The controls are obviously easy to understand, just point and click, even with such simplistic commands this game is fun and cute to enjoy.