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A member registered Jul 25, 2016 · View creator page →

Recent community posts

That's good feedback, but way too many people are spamming excluding some people

Yeah, but they are literally just spamming, not giving feedback.

(1 edit)

Can people STOP asking for more content? There are 311 fucking comments about more content! Just stop! Some of you can't even spell right which is ridiculous. Do you know how much time goes into game developing? SteelRaven7 made this game ON HIS OWN. Noone else helped him! And it's even free! Some of you just can't appreciate how much time goes into game-developing, do ye'? Obviously not. It's just like making a cake, except without trying it over and over. IT'S FRUSTRATING AS HELL. You guys are just making it harder, beacuse there are so many comments to read! If he can, he's probably going to not care about alot of these comments. I made my own list before realizing that 80% of comments are people asking for the same thing. You can say ''i fukd um mum last nikt'' or call me a retard or say ''go fuk urself'' or whatever the fuck 12 year old dumbasses say these days, I won't care and won't even waste my time replying to them beacuse they'll say the same thing over and over again. I hope that someone agrees with me, and that I'm not the only person who went to school and has braincells. Ravenfield community, I'm dissapointed in you. I expected better from you.