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A member registered Feb 13, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks for your comments.

The bugs I think have been resolved in the new version of the game.

The rock collisions I think are correct. If on some occasions it seems that the player is not touched, it is because it immediately goes to the death sprite which is smaller.

I have not been able to reproduce the death error for touching an empty character. Sometimes the rock is touched just at the moment when it disappears under the water, maybe it is the error that you report

The Vice monitor opening error has never happened to me. The version of Vice I use is 3.6

Thanks again and regards.

Gracias por jugarlo :)

Muchas gracias. Espero que lo disfrute todo el mundo.

I have made the music play.
I have relocked page zero with sidreloc, and I have converted the sid file to .dat with SIDPlay/W
Thank you very much for your help.

Thanks for the reply.
I will check the sid files.

Hi! I am trying to use Tape master following the steps in the video, but when I try to load the created tape I get an error when the music should play. The error usually appears in the address $1017. The file that I am loaded according to its characteristics starts in the address $1000 and player in $1003.

I don't really know what I'm doing wrong.

Thanks in advance and greetings.