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A member registered Dec 17, 2021

Recent community posts

Awesome! Don't go getting yourself into trouble though.

Also, just a suggestion, increase the size of the options for all interactions in the APK file. Holy frick, it can be a nightmare to try to press the right text options during photo shoots, much less the little teeny tiny +, - and x when woodcrafting.

Any chance of getting a freecam for the H scenes? At the very least for the windows version? Because damn these scenes are great, models, textures, animations, they are worthy of the full 360 view. At the very least during the "End" phases of the H scenes.

(3 edits)

Any way to make an uncensored patch for users outside JP? the models are great, just sucks having them censored. If not, it's fine. Just people would be more likely to pay for uncensored. Maybe an alternate link for a modified  file, with IP location restrictions? Idk how that works in Japan. Love the country, never been, absolutely want to come visit some day. Just odd that the country famous for hentai has such strict limitations on things like that. xD

It is not. Kind of a disappointment


If I knew these were going to be uncensored, I might be interested.

Any ETA on an update?