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A member registered Jan 24, 2018

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Hi, some news about the COOP mode please ? :)
I really stand to re play this game with my little daughter <3
It is our heart game .... if you can add it we will be so happy !!
Thanks a lot

Thanks a lot for this great work :)
Et français en plus ;)

Please, share the p8 file too ... i don't really play games on my PC :(
I always DL them to play them on my TV with my all other games ... The feeling is better, like on a real old console with a real gamepad ...


A crazy work !!! Thanks a lot :)

Woaw, well done, it's fantastic ... it had to ask for a sick work to do a like that ...
But ... the majority of Retro Gaming machines and systems are under Linux !!
Can we hope for a linux port of this project with OpenGL or rather Vulkan? It would be a madness ...
Thank you

Woaw bravo, c'est excellent, un homebrew sur PCEngine c'est tellement rare en plus !!! J'adore le style on dirais un jeu PRO sans mentir :)
Juste un petit détail toutefois, j'ai l'impression que l'allonge du coup de sabre est un peu courte, ça fait un peu étriqué, trop proche du ninja, je pense que el jeu gagnerait en design et jouabilité si le coup de sabre etait plus large, avec un effet incliné, à la ninja gaiden ... mais je suppose que c'est un choix technique d'affichage de sprite, peut etre que un sabre qui frappe plus loint impliquerait d'afficher un sprite destiné a cet effet par dessus le ninja lui même ...

Thanks to investigate :)

Thanks a lot for this great game

WOAW so crazy game, and with COOP option !!! I love it, really wish you will finish it one day :) Thanks

Excellent, thanks a lot for this great game :)
Will you plan to release a WHDLOAD version too please ?

Thanks a lot for this p8 file, so cool to play your game in Batocera :)

Thanks a lot :)

Thanks for this update :)
Will you also release the P8 file please ?
I need it to play your game in Batocera , Thanks

Hi, thanks for your answer, for sure i know we can launch linux games on Batocera, i do it some times, and without script, it is already ready to use in ports games that can launch a .sh file.
But it is not my goal, my pico8 games are all in pico8 directory, ready to launch with the readl pico8 exec. It is the best way to play them, and have all of them in the same place. It's why i always ask creators to share a PNG game format and use the real engine :(
I understand you use a modified one, but i don't really understand why ... when i see Doom on VRRacing or so many other games that tric the official pico 8 engine to work... and it works :) But maybe it is hardest to release, i don't know ... ?

Woaw i've seen the video, this game is crazy, thanks a lot :)

Thanks a lot for your work. Rally interesting to give a new life to this bad old game.
But the game is very empty like the original, and there are not enough sound effects... that makes it a good adaptation but still not a good game.

Will you continue to work on it to improve it a little and give it a real second wind as if it had really been released on GameBoy. Thanks

Hi, very good idea :)
Will you release the p8 file to let us playing every where with any launcher.
Thanks a lot

Excellent project :)
I will stand to try your first demo, thanks

WOAW crazy game for a Vectrex, thanks a lot for it :)

Yes music is really important ... it give the game ambiance :)

Thanks to discover this game port on Megadrive <3
Are you always working on it to finish it one day ?

Ok i understand, it's really not easy ...
But if you think Pico-8 will add PicoMap later, for sure it can be a good idea to stand for it and use it. In Batocera i use every time the last engine. To me the best compatible possible. Thanks a lot for your answer

So cool to see a new update of this great :)
But like ever i can't play it because you are not using the official engine and i can't launch it in Batocera :(

Thanks for the update :)
Please think to add the .p8.png too :)

Cool, thanks a lot for your answer :)

So bad i love this game too, i have play it a lot on windows by the past ...
Please will you share the .p8.png file on lexaloffle ? Thanks

Excellent port like ever with you. But please, will you share the p8.png file here or on lexasoft ?
I never play games on my computer, i play on TV with the real pico8 engine and i need it to launch the game. Thanks

(2 edits)

Thanks a lot for this remake, i love the original game on game gear :)
But please, will you share the p8.png file here or on lexasoft ?
I never play games on my computer, i play on TV with the real pico8 engine and i need it to launch the game. Thanks

Thanks for your answer :)

Hi, thanks a lot for your work so crazy !!!
I love this game and i have finished it on SENS so many times ... with my little daughter :)
Is your game support two player mode like the original one ? If not, will you add it in the future ?
And at the end, when all will be done, have you plan to add some new features that were not present in the original game ?
- Like a Boss Rush mode where we must kill all the bosses one by one with for exemple 3 lives ?
- Maybe a new story with new puzzles ?
- Like now the game is in 16/9, maybe a 4 player mode ?

Thanks a lot for this new game, i love multiplayer games so much to play with my children :)
I will try it :)

So fantastic, Coop mods are the life for me and my children <3

Ok ok sorry now i understand better, thanks a lot :)

Splore ?
Is it the market of pico 8 ?
For my part i love to have all my games listed in emulationstation, with screenshot title shot, video preview, description, to choose what i want to play etc ... Really if you can shere here a p8 file it will be the best way for many users. Thanks a lot

Crazy project, i love it, i really wish the designer will found some free time to finish it :)

Thanks, i know this site but i'm not really fan of they work, i prefer mine because i try to be more accurate for each game. But for sure this site will help a lot of people :)

Your game is so excellent, thanks a lot for it

Woaw a new Vectrex game, like a clone of Flappy Bird :)
Thanks a lot

A very interesting game :)
Please, will you share the p8 file too ?
We need it to play on TV with the Pico8 Engine. I can't play your game if you pack it for an OS. On Batocera we launch the p8 file with emulationstation.

Thanks a lot

WOAW, incredible game on a C64 <3
I'm only playing on emulation, i have no C64 ...
But i love to have a beautiful menu with my games. Have you plan to share with us the front cover un 1080p ? Ang maybe the back cover and the manual in PDF format ?
Thanks a lot for all your work

Merci pour votre réponse c'est gentil.
En fait c'est des jaquettes comme les vrai que on utilise dans les frontend, avant arrière, perso je n'utilise pas la tranche pour faire une vue 3D mais certains oui. Donc pour plaire au plus grand nombre, peut être fournir le modele de jaquette complet à plat que on vois sur le Quickstarter.
Pour le format, au moins du 1200 pixel de haut pour avoir un rendu propre sur la TV :)
Exemple avec mon theme sur ma chaine : 

Rien d'illégal bien sur, on s'y refuse, ce son des fan game tolérés par les éditeurs.