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A member registered Jul 20, 2020

Recent community posts

hello i'm stuck in a mission in the game where i have to go to breeds ranch and i think i can defeat the barn boss but i can't find him "sorry if it's not that i don't know english very well"

hello, I would like some help because I got stuck in a part of the game, in the case of the part where you enter a dungeon and I think you have to lock four girls there until the superiors arrive, something like that, sorry if that's not it, I'm Brazilian and I don't know what could someone help me?

hi, I wanted to report a problem with the game, it is happening all the time, the game starts normal and runs ok, but after a while it starts to crash and simply closes by itself

i am brazilian and i have some difficulty reading things in english but i love your game i would like to know if someday in future updates you could maybe bring a translation into brazilian portuguese

sorry for the huge text and for some translation error I used the translator to write

hello indivi how are you? man I love your game I wanted to congratulate you for your effort and dedication!! well I wanted to ask a question someday maybe in future updates you could put a translation into Brazilian Portuguese I'm Brazilian and I love your game above all else I have a certain difficulty understanding the game's history because I don't know English very well so sometimes i try to use google translete so i can understand a little bit of the story hahaha😅 more clear i know how hard it must be for an indie developer to do things so if it doesn't go well i understand how complicated it is to translate a game and a half complicated well that was my question and again congratulations for this great game and for your dedication to it