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A member registered Aug 05, 2021 · View creator page →

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yup! cant wait to see you try it :)


Nice :D

he probably used Penguinmod

ah ok I will see the video on youtube later

I made it a HTML :D

No problem

Wanna get Early Footage sometime? :)

Its the Sequel lol

lol trueeeee

I mean yeah, I am remking it with someone tho, and finishing it

Btw when you gonna answer me on gmail? >.>

I think I recognize this from somewhere >:/

Soooooo much gameplay

How do you win, I pressed escape but it didnt let me leave

I sent it to you on  GMAIL :)

Wait you wanna make it now? >.>


BUT it is on scratch, you can try it out now, just search the name

yeah I meant I can't do that I don't have enough space

Sorry not for this one, Its a computer game so it has to be downloadable

Yup finally right? :)

it will be at some point

lol thats fine

The first version is finished! in a week or 2 the game will be published :)

Its on hold till im done other things... tho.. it could be apart of Nightmare Reveals.. who knows ;)

it will be eventually

Yeah sure, gotta actually make it tho lol

Can't wait for you to see em :)


hey its out! try it

lol ok goodluck

its gonna be good tho, gonna take a very very long time to make tho

It looks and feels great but damn is it hard cause I don't know how to make the stuff XD

Lmao thanks XD

its still not here- is it privated?

Soon ;)

did you even put the HTML here?

its still not here tho

Hello! to anyone seeing this, its been awhile since I have updated this game, or rather any of my original games, but now on my profile page you should be able to find "The Eyestalk: Frostbound!" its the DLC to this game! tho it will cost money, it will reveal more story into the past of the game... and potentially the future 2nd game? you will just have to stay tuned to find out!