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A member registered Sep 14, 2019

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(2 edits)

Well I bought it, and used the draw_angle solution. The player still jitters around everywhere and the player starts sinking into the slopes. There's soo many bugs. It feels like the player doesn't know what the angle of the ground is. The way the player is staying out of the terrian doesn't feel right at all very buggy. I turned on interpolation between pixels and it helped a little but that isn't a solution for a pixel art game. Even with that the issues with aligning with the ground still occur. The player just jitters all over the place. How can I fix it?

Even on 45 degree slopes the player still jitters as if the angle of the player was jittering between angles of 45 degrees,46,47, back to 46,45,44,43 like it constantly switches between all of those angles on the same 45 degree angle when it should stay at 45 degrees if its on a 45 DEGREE ANGLE!! You should fix this. otherwise its garbage.

(1 edit)

Why does the player jitter so much when on slopes can you fix that this is almost what i need but that jitter looks like complete garbage and makes this useless.