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A member registered Apr 08, 2019

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So, few things, Leland:


  • Even though it's stated it's 7.0.0-pre-alpha, after downloading and running the game it says 6.2.0-pre-alpha, not sure if you've messed up the upload or just forgot to change the changelog ;)
  • I personally prefer when the save game files are inside the game's directory. Perhaps you could add an option for the end user to choose the save game location on first start of the game


  • Game lacks few convenient mechanisms like:
    • Inventory quick sort by item type
    • Quick comparison between mouse hovered item and the one that's currently used i.e. with holding CTRL key
  • Perhaps some unused items scraping mechanism that would enable player to enhance items that are already used (item class upgrade, stats reroll)
  • Might be a good idea to implement a mini-boss on each stage that upon defeating would spawn a scrape shop with above features
  • Maybe some kind of auto loot mechanism (either toggable from settings menu or a new keybinding for auto loot)

Other than that - really good job on creating the game. Didn't had much time to go in depth into the game but this is the feedback I was able to quickly write after short gameplay that ended up defeating that flying saucer boss ;) 

Hope this helps