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A member registered Aug 23, 2023

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Hello! I have not played all the way through yet, but I have some comments and suggestions so far. For one (and my apologies for being meticulous), there is a spelling mistake that I've noticed. Specifically within the part where Eleanor speaks with you where "though" should be "thought". Additionally, you used the wrong "its" when they ask you to picture what plagues you.  There is one noticeable bug in the shape minigame where when it asks you to select triangles, it doesn't give you points. I tried selecting the half triangles, and it seems to give some points. As for the exercising option, I suppose it does nothing at the moment as it does not increase any stats and only decreases the energy points by two. I noticed that there was an option to access saved files on the title screen, but I assume that is also not added yet as I have yet to see an option to save the game. As for the talking minigame, I don't really understand how to play it. The controls are listed but I am unsure of when to press each key. It does say that there is a certain timing for the key pressing, but I have no idea if that is during what the friend says or after. Furthermore, I don't know what topics are "boring".  As for suggestions, some of the attacks for (what I assume is) the writing minigame (the shooter) are really hard to dodge especially when you are slowed. I would like to suggest that you add indicators for attacks; especially for that blood rain attack. And if the exercising actually does something for your stats, there should also be indicators like "E6/6" for full stats, if it reduces by two "E4/6", and so forth. Anyways, it looks great so far. I am excited to see what else gets added to the game!