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A member registered Jun 16, 2022 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

Everyone coming down to the comments to say that the game is very hard (which we agree xD), if you would like to see how the game can be beaten, check out the game page where there would be a video showing the route in order to beat the level. If you can't find it, here is the video: 

Here is how to play the game straight from the description with minor edits:

A game about literally rolling a dice.

It's a small little puzzle game where you roll a dice around. When it touches the void (The black tile), it will spawn a bridge whose length is equal to the number displayed on the top face of the dice. There is only 1 level as we ran out of time D: 

Note: you have the exact amount tiles so wasting even a single one will result in not being able to complete the level, be sure to use the restart button ;)

ASWD to move around.

Thank you for checking out our game, we really appreciate it!

Thank you for the feedback! Like mentioned, because of time constraints and pygame limitations and our intellegence limitations, we couldn't come up with a better indicator. There are some text in the description of the game explaining how it works but maybe it's not very clear, sorry about that. 

Didn't use a game engine :) We used plain python with the pygame framework. Thank you, yes the game is quite difficult. It is just an exe because we packaged the assets into the executable with pyinstaller. 

Thank you!! Yes I totally agree, I imagined it would be very difficult for someone who doesn't know the route (the route is in the youtube video) to beat the level. Unfortunately because this is a game jam, we were unable to spare any time for designing another map. I agree that the top right indicator is not the most intuitive help and still requires quite a bit of 3D imagination to use, but it was the best we could do (with pygame) in 48 hours. Thank you so much for the feedback!! :D