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A member registered Jun 06, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks! I might try to pick up Godot again.

Nice level! I liked the death animation.

Awesome! I'll be watching the tutorial and trying it myself.

Also if you could release the source code so we can try to get ahead and try to add the missing features that would be great.

(1 edit)

I just finished the tutorial so far and made this version. I'll try to add ladders, keys, switches, running, fireballs and different jump force based on how long you press the button like in most games. (it's in spanish by the way)

Thank you so much for the tutorials! It's the first one about a program that I'm able to finish (at least for now) and you are a magnificent teacher. At one point I was able to code maybe 40% of the things before you said them in the videos. They stretch the perfect balance between not being too handholdly but also not being like "do this then this then that". You give the viewers space to think but in subtle ways and that's really important. Thanks again, and now I'll keep learning Godot on my own I guess!

PS: Oh and I need to add a HP system and I had an idea where enemies don't despawn and you can pick them up and use them in different ways, because I liked how they just stayed there squashed before I fixed it lol

wow so many mechanics and different assets, cool!

jajaja australes! buenardino rivadavia!