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A member registered Jun 20, 2023

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I have managed to spend the night 6 and with my vast experience of one night passing it, I will say that it is possible to spend the night without looking at the cameras, you just have to be very attentive to the sounds and the door on the left, for example, it is easy to avoid foxy only by being constantly fixed on the red button of the door on the left when fast footsteps are heard you have to close the door immediately and thus we save some energy without looking at the cameras, with freedy it is enough if they hear 5 laughs it is because he is about to attack and at 6 Risa will already be in the room next door, what I do is close the door and pray to the one above and well with Bonny and Chica, you just have to listen to the small steps they make, Chica leaves faster than Bonny and appears less often but care must be taken not to neglect it. I hope my advice helps you and there is a night 7 that is a custom night I haven't spent it yet... EVEN

he logrado pasarla noche 6 y con mi basta experiencia de una noche pasandolo dire que es posible pasar la noche sin mirar las camaras solamente hay que estar muy atentos a los sonidos y a la puerta de la izquierda, por ejemplo a foxy es sencillo evitarla solamente estando costantemente fijados en el boton rojo de la puerta de la izquierda cuando se escuchen pasos rapidos hay que cerrar la puerta enseguida y asi nos ahorramos algo de energia sin mirar las camaras, con freedy basta si escuchan 5 risas es porque esta por atacar y a la 6 risa ya estara en la abitacion de al lado, lo que hago yo es cerrar la puerta y rezarle al de arriba y bueno con bonny y chica solamente hay que escuchar los pequeños pasos que hacen, chica se marcha mas rapido que bonny y aparece menos seguido pero hay que tener cuidado de no descuidarla. 

espero les sirva mi consejo

y existe una noche 7 que es una custom night aun no la he pasado....AUN