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A member registered Aug 25, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much for playing our game.

We were very pleased to see. Your opinion is important to us.

We will definitely fix the minuses of the game.

Thanks for the feedback!

Of course, it took more than two weeks) but they managed as best they could.

Thanks for the comment.

Of course you're right, we were looking at "A Story About My Uncle"

But it will not be objective to say that the lore is similar. Since this is not a story here, and you need to find a daughter who was lost in this world. As for the hook, there are problems, but everything went wrong at the very last moment, as it usually happens. You can learn about this and other things in our video about this mega-jam. We will publish it within two weeks.

Thanks a lot

Thank you, we wanted to briefly convey all the loneliness of the plot and the whales helped a lot with this

Thank you very much, that's great to hear
We will definitely bring everything to a playable state, we just need more than a week)

Nice to hear that you liked it

Thank you, I hope it's not in vain

Thanks a lot)

Thanks for the great review, we'll keep trying

Thanks, that's good to hear