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A member registered Aug 09, 2015 · View creator page →

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the truth hurts 🥲

Really fun! At first, I was getting frustrated, then I noticed there was a colorblind mode (thanks 🙏) and after two or three tries, I started enjoying it a lot 😃!

Just tried this game in Android, it’s a blast 😂! Super fun yet so tricky. I don’t know how people manage to score so good (23 is my PB). Reminds me of the Ninja Rope in Worms 🎮🐛. Great Job! Totally cool and challenging!

Thanks! It’s good to know that it’s working fine on real hardware, I’m still waiting for my Everdrive to be delivered.

I have in mind to add SRAM support soon, but currently I’m working on small code refactors and fine tuning how some mechanics works!

thanks for the support!

Really loved this! Congrats!

Hi guys, maybe someone can help me: I connected my mouse and Windows recognizes it without any problem, but my cat doesn’t seem to recognize the monitor, is a BenQ 27” LED 144Hz eSports so it’s supossed to be compatible with any cat. Any idea?

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🧠🥴, nice game!