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A member registered Jan 14, 2021 · View creator page →

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theres a bug in level 3 that sometimes makes you fly really high when you grab an enemy and throw him at another one

same but its easy to find it

its a bully bossfight is kinda hard at the end because he keeps teleporting to you almost every time 

whos 99?

whats this for

ok then

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windows 64 bit

anyone know where i can download v1.0 (not V1.0a) i wanna see how it was before 

whats ++ and -- stuff for

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would be cool if there was an option to choose a floor customiser song so you could hear your favourite one when making a floor because i liked happy building

whats that



cant find it

anyone knows the song that plays on the customizer on version 0.2.0-0.2.1?

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guys how do i make detention work on floor builder because when i break a rule i go to detention and when i break a rule again he wont send me to detention

edit:found out about triggers that i didnt know

didnt know it was august 11th

like when you open it crashes?

does anyone know how can i make principal send me to detention? for some reason when i break a rule  for the first time he sends me to detention but when i do it again principal doesnt catch me and send me to detention

precisa de um emulador flash offline

ign better see this game

im lazy thats why

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nvm figured it out is pink 9

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probably cry because thats what i do


i turned into the noise

u mean the sticky note saying "favourite color favourite number"?

im stuck at vincent

my best time was 1:18

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k thx but now u dont need shift

idk how to double jump

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dont enter the 5th secret  in pizzascape or u get soft locked

