The sprite style is the same as Forager or Atomicrops. All the animation examples show the two way style. It's also noted in the description. More importantly, it can work really well when implemented!
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Yep! you can grab it from lospec site too, again it's just a base so not all the colours used.
The chickens are in one mockup - and they're there because I was about to add them to the pack, but decided the weren't good enough yet. There are constant updates and new content added. Animals will come in the future. If you are not happy with the value of this asset pack you are free to request a refund - or, hold tight for a while for more content.
• Animals I haven't finished.
• Skin colours you change yourself with palette swapping - wouldn't make sense to have multiple version of the same base sprite - this is why the hair is a layered asset too - so you change the colour in code.
• Leaf and Stone animation is in one of the source aseprite files in the pack, but is not yet a seperate element.
The majority of the things you've mentioned are in the downloadble zips, but not all are in a finalised form yet.
Some of you were asking for more UI assets for an inventory/shop etc.
The above example is created with the assets already in the UI psd, making use of the 9slice boxes. The only extra thing I did was change the colour of 2 boxes. Hopefully it can give you some inspiration of what can be created with them! if there's still something specific you want in the UI, let me know!
NOTE: The font is one I just grabbed from Dafont - there's lots of great pixel fonts there for free.