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A member registered Jan 02, 2017

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do you press the last button to save the game

Raft community · Created a new topic Next apdate

a was thinking if is having bed in the game to sleep at night and wen you build a wall the shark can't destroy your raft

the bug is wen a get a item the items dont show on my screen they just are on the same spot on the water but they are stuck and wen a move the Camera the items move with the Camera and a cant pic them up the items


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can you fix it for real because AM REALLY CANT PLAY WITH MY FRIENDS A HAVE TO CLOSE MY GAME AND OPEN IT AGAIN AND AGAIN please fix the bug

You need to fix one bug that its on this mode wen a play with friends some time the items dont show on my screen and the items wen a pic them up a see they sit at same spot but a can garb a can pic up wen a move the camera the items move with the camera can you really fix this bug please