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A member registered May 29, 2020 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

I've been playing this for hours, this is the kind of space ship game I've been waiting for. This game is seriously awesome, I can't wait for the Steam release! Wonderful job so far.

(3 edits)

Final, a remake of LSD with actual potential. Please don't abandon this. LSD is a game that deserves this kind of project. Great work on this so far, it's very accurate and the improvements made are very welcome. The idea for modding support makes me salivate... I've always wanted this kind of game but with more varied content. If you manage to finish it or at least get to version 1.0 I'll have no choice but to support this project with money, the original LSD means a lot to me.

(3 edits)

This game/experience is incredible. You've made something that makes me feel things no other game has before. It's utterly unique. I'd love to see it expanded upon. It could easily be a horror game, but I think part of what makes it feel so unique is the focus on exploration. It freaks me out enough just wandering around and getting lost.

I think some kind of grappling hook would be great, and a quick save or location bookmark system. Being able to place lights and other structures could be cool. But overall, I have no complaints. It's already one of the most interesting experiences I've had in a game (if you can call it that yet). My only hope is more stuff to be added because the tools in the game already make me think of lots of opportunities.

I don't understand how you'd even make something like this, it's astounding to me.