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Strange stuff

A member registered Sep 11, 2019 · View creator page →

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Best cliffhanger I've seen in a while, the effects are really improving, I wonder will you go back and remaster older scenes at some point?

holy s*i* its the premise of my dissertation!

awesome game, there's a real like of diplomacy style games these days, most of them end up being war simulators without any real politics, this is great cant wait to see what comes next!

sorry is this a scratch game?!


on the patreon there's a tier that gives "walkthrough" access but for 0.6 the walkthrough was just a free pdf, will that be different for 0.7?

wow, i remember the first drawings, but this is great, cant wait to see the finished project 

lion blob is op

Im not sure what would be worse, if you added sfx or as it is.

Truly one of the best text games I've played and certainly top 20 horror games of all time (at least that I've played) as good as iron lung certainly!


Make sure you're not wearing Nellie's hat, then guard until kara gets mad, after which taunt, followed by grabbing her

(2 edits)

Hi Haxor,

in chrome (Version 92.0.4515.159) when in using the built in full screen, selecting full screen within the game does nothing and in fact stops the fullscreen option working at all, even when reloading the page (i had to restart chrome to fix), i assume an issue with the game using the fullscreen check.

(obvs this is only a verry minor issue with the web build)

this might be why

Gotta 100 kills and then misscliked...

amazing game though

a time system would be nice 

but everything else is fine gg