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Danar Dev

A member registered Jul 05, 2015 · View creator page →

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Hehehe, you most welcome :P
in future update this will be changed, it will depend on the size & population of the country :D

Big Salute to the 1268 GENERALS! 🫡 Crazy General Idlers with crazy Army Power! #RESPECT

Big Salute to the 1268 GENERALS! 🫡 Crazy General Idlers with crazy Army Power! #RESPECT

Maybe , or i will apply a radius of how far you can attach...not sure yet, but im going to make it super realistic :D

Totally agree! the original plan was to make the countries progress AP in realtime as you do based on there size and population and you should only be able to attack ones that you share borders with...
probably i will add these step by step in the future updates ^_^

I totally agree, its in the plan for the future update, but was not a priority since its originally was done in a game jam and still testing the game balancing, so leaderboard resetting and starting from scratch is expected. Thanks a lot for playing and giving your feedback ^_^

Oh! I'm so sorry about that, but this is something that might happen when the game in testing phase :( Sorry! 
I salute you General Idler! your effort will not be forgotten! Never!

Yes! like an end game! like the idea ^_^

GENERAL IDLER Update (v0.0.2)

First of all I want to thank all the 612 General who played the game in (v0.0.1)  SALUTE YOU GENERALS!

I checked all your feedbacks and comments, and this is first update after GMTK voting period over, which includes;

Bug Fixes:

  • Tank upgrade price fixed
  • Country name update: Greenland (Denmark)
  • Big numbers bug breaking the leaderboard
  • Other smaller bugs


  • Re balancing all upgrades/unlocks
  • Faster start in term of upgrades and unlocks
  • Adding commas 
  • Better visual feedbacks when anything is available for unlock/clicking
  • Other smaller general improvements


  • New leaderboard for how many country you conquered and comparing it to the world record
  • Reseting all leaderboard for fair comparison since all data was changed and rebalanced

Thanks for playing and looking forward to hear your feedback to improve the game until it reach the full release ^_^

GENERAL IDLER Update (v0.0.2)

First of all I want to thank all the 612 General who played the game in (v0.0.1)  SALUTE YOU GENERALS!

I checked all your feedbacks and comments, and this is first update after GMTK voting period over, which includes;

Bug Fixes:

  • Tank upgrade price fixed
  • Country name update: Greenland (Denmark)
  • Big numbers bug breaking the leaderboard
  • Other smaller bugs


  • Re balancing all upgrades/unlocks
  • Faster start in term of upgrades and unlocks
  • Adding commas 
  • Better visual feedbacks when anything is available for unlock/clicking
  • Other smaller general improvements


  • New leaderboard for how many country you conquered and comparing it to the world record
  • Reseting all leaderboard for fair comparison since all data was changed and rebalanced

Thanks for playing and looking forward to hear your feedback to improve the game until it reach the full release ^_^

Good point. thanks for your feedback ^_^

Yeah there is a bug when upgrading the auto while a production is in progress, just wait for the wait amount of time and it will appear

You are amazing! Purchase DONE! Thanks ^_^

Hello, awesome assets, very interested to purchase but please add (Pay with Card) there is no Paypal in my region.

"old military board meeting screen" i love that ^_^ thanks a lot for playing!

I totally Agree! thanks a lot for playing the glad you liked it ^_^

Loved your game! the resizing effect and SFX is PERFECT!

Agree! thanks for your feedback, I need to re balance and add more visual feedback and of course a cool Music/SFX ^_^

Thank you for playing the game ^_^ and yes i need to re balance it 

Totally Agree! I need to put out a better clearer tutorial
Thanks for playing! Glad you liked it ^_^

No worries! these things are normal in any game jam games ^_^

Yeah i think i made a mistake here :D missed couple of zeros lol...will be fixed after GMTK24 voting.
Thank you for playing, Glad you liked it ^_^

Nice Idea but the control is a bit frustrating, keep getting out of the game window on browser.

Anything with Pyramids and Egypt im hooked ^_^ smart choice!

Liked the concept and the art but wish the 3 blocks at start to be faster, it's kinda slow start but then when you hire builders its so satisfying to watch, also loved the music!
Now we know how the pyramids was build :D

Thank you for playing the game ^_^ Glad you liked it!

you are amazing! thanks a lot for reporting this bug, will work on the fix once the GMTK24 voting ends.

So cute! love it!

Thank you for playing the game ^_^ Glad you liked it!
Yeah the countries had a deeper gameplay and strategy but was cut off due to the time limitation i had, but will re visit that in the full release.

Oh and a saving progress is a must so you wont lose your progress...Sorry about that :'(

Thanks for playing the game and providing a feedback ^_^ Glad you liked it.

(2 edits)

Thanks for the feedback, Glad you liked it ^_^, I agree the balancing need a revisit and many tests.
and the comas OMG i saw the issue when i saw the big numbers some players reached lol

(1 edit)

Wow i made someone who dont like Clicker/Idle game to enjoy this game! you made me so happy ^_^

Awesome feedback! and i agree with everything you said, will do for sure in future updates for the full release!
The original idea of the countries was to be able to attack only the ones you share borders with and you fight you AP with theirs, meaning you can always attack but you will have less chances in wining and invading if you AP is less than their AP, also the countries AP will progress (just like they are real players) and there progress is depending on their size.
but as you know all these complexity was little bit hard to achieve for the game jam but hopefully it will see the light in the full release.

Insane Army Power in Less than 24hr of the launch!

Less than 24hours of the release, a player reached an insane Army Power (1,608,257,528,038,760,000) breaking all leaderboard readability lol! 

Not sure who did cause the leaderboard sign in is anonymous due to the limited time i got in developing the game but would love if he/she could contact me to ask about his/her experience and if unlocked all countries! 

Insane Army Power in Less than 24hr of the launch!

Less than 24hours of the release, a player reached an insane Army Power (1,608,257,528,038,760,000) breaking all leaderboard readability lol! 

Not sure who did cause the leaderboard sign in is anonymous due to the limited time i got in developing the game but would love if he/she could contact me to ask about his/her experience and if unlocked all countries! 

Oh Thanks for playing it and glad you enjoyed it ^_^
Good point! i should a full screen button, for now the full screen button of itch my game is not interacting with it and stay in same size for some reason. will be fixed once GMTK24 voting ends.

Loved the game! specifically the art style, i love this effect, and liked the Pray Card ;)

Oh thanks a lot for your feedback and time to play the game ^_^

Oh really! oh thanks for the catch!
and will fix the Greenland ^_^ after GMTK24 voting period.

(1 edit)

Welcome General Idler!

Start with picking your country and then build your army based on your long knowledge & history in military  to control the whole world!


This is an Idle Game to build & scale your army to control all countries one by one, this game was developed by Me (Danar) within 96 hours of the GMTK24 Game Jam, I used some assets from:

- POLYGON - Military Pack (by Synty Store) - 2D Flat World Map (by DFY Studio on Unity Assets Store)


I always loved Idle game , and thought this jam will be a good start to learn the logic and mathematical balance, saying that your feedback is very important to me to improve the game and while you at it, check if the GMTK24 voting still open! Please rate the game here.

Thanks in advance ^_^ Looking forward to read your feedbacks and see you in the full release.
