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A member registered Jun 08, 2021 · View creator page →

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i totally agree! 

Holy crap, this is amazing, like absolutely, i just finished simon's ending it made me slightly cry LOL, now im on my way to finish all the other ones

(1 edit)

really love this game! can't wait for Day 3!

ps. How many days do you plan on making?

Thank you!! WinRar was definitely the problem. Now i can play your game, thank you again!

would LOVE to play this game! But sadly when i tried to do so it says the file is either unknow or corrupted, i tried to repair that but now it says "header corrupt" and "unexpected end of archive". how do i fix that? 

(1 edit)

it worked! thank you so much for doing this and helping me! 

i honestly don't know, i've tried deleting and redownloading it again but that doesn't seem to work

i really wanna play it! but it says the archive is either in unknown format or damaged