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dabe who programs

A member registered Feb 05, 2022 · View creator page →

Recent community posts

it was fun yes

The game is awesome! I'm personally struggling with the last level of world 1, idk if it is a good thing, but the game itself feels a lot like cluster truck, if this was a landfall game, I'd fall for it! Keep the good work, and pls enlarge the finish line it is too difficult to reach! Good game tho I'm enjoing to play this!

19.9 sucks at speed running I gues

the game is really well made the story is .... something and i got confused every time I turned back from collecting something. Question do ADHD people have all that note? :)

A sequel/prequel could be awensome

everybody in DKN studio except me

there's some bugs like green potion moltiplication but for the rest is ok

(2 edits)

ok you need to reduce a bit the difficulty but for the rest is very good

How do I know? I'm a friend of the REAL owner

You are not the owner!!!!!!

Really good👍