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A member registered 30 days ago

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 try to slap me around Irl pedophile and see how fast your family has to pay for hospital bills for you. and use allegations right and accusations without proof is illegal.

tell us the news when its out for free plus anyone paying you already knows this.

oh, and I'm blocking you till i find it.

one you're getting reported for false accusations which is a crime and 2 i will send it.

and I'm reporting you for spam and blocking you. and again, the key word is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEE

oh, and i will also block you,

nah i do have work tomorrow though so stop messaging me or i will report for spam.

i did provide my evidence i gave you the name of an article and you never searched it up.

that's not proof retard. proof is a video or pictures which you still haven't provided, and the only image is of a title of a game.


[ˈferəl, ˈfirəl]


  1. (especially of an animal) in a wild state, especially after escape from captivity or domestication: "a feral cat" Similar:wild untamed undomesticated untrained unbroken
    • resembling a wild animal:

you just proved yourself wrong plus keyword SOME not all but here ill post it again.

nah plus i live in my own house retard.

oh, and Ima go to sleep Kido.

I'll go to sleep while I'm waiting.

here I'll send the definition since you are defiantly a little kid.


[ˈferəl, ˈfirəl]


(especially of an animal) in a wild state, especially after escape from captivity or domestication:

"a feral cat"







resembling a wild animal:

ok what the fuck do you think feral means?

how about you provide proof?

ok how am i a pedophile then? since you want to keep making false accusations which is against the law.

that didn't answer how I'm a zoophile and the character you're talking about isn't even feral so maybe learn the definition of that.

and your more in your mom's basement than me plus you basically stalk the creator of this game.

and speaking of that how am i a zoophile?

told you it was nonsense no proof bullshit.

oh, and I'm not going to read your other comments because they are most likely nonsense no proof bullshit.

no and i actually reported that pedophile game like i said before and i actually got into an argument with the owner.

(2 edits)

you have never seen anime or Irl women i bet plus guess what there's women Irl who look younger than that and guess what retard you don't even fuck that girl.

ok than

oh, and where the mountains of evidence?

that's what you said pedophile but then say that thousands of people are defending drugs child porn slavery and shit? it seems like you are a hypocrite and a pedophile.

Do you honestly think with every person in that server not a single one of them wouldn't have reported that shit to discord and the server would have been taken down in no time? That it's some massive ass conspiracy between hundreds of people that somehow all agree to hide and not report it? You're fucking stupid.

so, you're a retard pedophile?



i recommend using the shift 0 menu to get 100 power and skill.

dude you realize thousands support trump and the kkk right?  or did your school not teach you history? heck there's still child porn in stores in China and there's still the mafia gang wars and all types of crap.

still haven't found proof.

so almost 22 days

and I'm not going to try to argue with someone who uses cheat engines, and his entire life is rotating around this game.

and I'm sorry but i have to play a game to comment on it? are you retarded? no one has to play a game to comment on it.

so, you're a pedophile you mean? plus, none of the girls in that game look young. but i bet you thin 40-year-old women who look like hags look young?