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A member registered 56 days ago

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(1 edit)

Okay, i'm guessing you're talking in order of Sol's cg's.
First one is that you ask Sol to move from your seat. then you select "Just give me my seat" and then just follow the dialog.
Third cg is optained in artclass, I got it in my first playthough and basically you just sit next to him in the library and go with the flow until art class, then you tell him that you aren't good at art and you should get the third cg. Same route for the fourth cg, only now you'll choose that you are good at art.
Hope I helped! btw, tell me if you find out how to get Geo's 3/6 cg!

I'm guessing you're talking about Sol's cg's.

Basically all you have to do is go to the movies on the second day and go play through it. After Sol will accompany you home and that's the cg! Hope I helped!

I just found it and played it, am I later? :,)

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yess I hope day 3&4 will arrive soon, as Fantasia said that they'll upload day 3 and 4 at the same time, CANT WAIT! 
In the meantime, we will have so many theories, it's crazy

If you are talking about downloading, there should be a button near the top that says 'download now', after that there will be a selection to pay for it, you will click 'No, just start the download' or smth. After that it should download and to play the game, open the folder and click until you find an option with the game name on it, double click and it will ask you to extract all, do that and delete the old file, After extracting ofc. Then you will click on the new folder and the game should be there! Hope I explained it well :)

Okay, I noticed the first things said in the first post on this topic and I can honestly agree. But the second post, I never even thought about searching Ichabod! you guys are all geniuses!