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A member registered Mar 29, 2017

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(2 edits)

Oculus Touch/Steam user here. Great job putting this together and kudos for making it free. I really like the walk in place movement. It felt more natural than I expected it to be.

A few bits of feedback:

- The tutorial level should probably have hand rails or collision to prevent users from accidentally falling off the edge. When new users are trying to get their "VR legs" and learn your movement system, they definitely don't want to fall off the edge so easily. In fact, placing users on a series of catwalks in the sky is more likely to cause nausea, or at least some VR anxiety. Since there is no functional benefit to the floating city location other than looking very cool, consider placing the first area on the ground. You can still restrict the path to be fairly linear. Having said that, I enjoyed the overall aesthetics of the scene.

- The dev notes and other buttons require the user to walk right to the edge of the catwalk to touch and activate them. When the text appears, the user is now so close that they need to back up to read the panel comfortably. When a user is still getting used to the system and adjusting to the movement speed, this all feels awkward and cumbersome. It might be better if the button to activate the panel was positioned so the panel appears 1 to 2 meters away when activated.

- Opening doors feels awkward. I feel like I need to get very close to the door to reach the doorknob but then my own collision is preventing the door from opening toward me. I'm not sure if the mechanic of interacting with doors is an important enough feature in this demo to justify significant development time. Maybe the door should just open away from the user automatically as they approach it? Once a user is very close to a level exit, is there really any reason to make exiting the level difficult?

- Consider adding a point-and-click teleport for to be used in conjunction with COATS. This could be especially useful for elevation changes like dropping from a rooftop or even traversing stairs.COATS movement was comfortable most of the time but vertical drops and upward movements still left me a little off balance.